Our next Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held at 2.00pm on Wednesday 25 May 2022. It will take place at:

The Corinthian Club
191 Ingram Street
Merchant City
G1 1DA

This is the first time since 2019 our AGM will be held in person. It follows our successful approach before the pandemic of taking the AGM around the country, allowing Directors and staff to engage with Members from different locations.

As a Member we would encourage you to become involved in the operation of Scottish Building Society (the ‘Society’) and one way you can do this is by using your vote. Our Board values the opportunity to meet our Members face to face.

Members will have received a pack which includes everything needed to vote online or by post if they can't attend the AGM. Members wishing to attend the AGM should complete and return the RSVP form included in their pack.

The pack also includes details of our performance during the past financial year and all the resolutions (including explanatory notes) on which Members are being asked to vote, such as the Directors standing for election and re-election.

Download our Annual Report and Accounts 2022

Annual Review & Summary Financial Statement 2022